public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Emaux with tag "informatique musicale"

December 2008

Standard Music Description Language : une norme en devenir

Le SMDL est une norme qui sert à représenter l'information musicale que cette dernière soit seule ou combinée avec du texte et des graphiques. L'information multimédia est également supportée3. Il s'agit d'une application HyTime se conformant à l'ISO/IEC 10744:19924 à laquelle on a ajouté des formes architecturales spécialisées pour la représentation des éléments musicaux

MuseData Representation of Musical Information

The purpose of MuseData code is to represent the logical content of musical scores in a software-neutral fashion. The code is currently being used in the construction of full-text databases of music for several composers

Informatique musicale ( M. NUTZ )

Ce site traite de l'intérêt de l'informatique dans le domaine de la musique et dans les domaines musicaux où l'informatique est assez peu répandue

Symbolic Sound Kyma: Company WebHome

Kyma X is a sound design environment being used in music and post-production studios, research labs, art installations, game developers' studios, educational institutions, home studios, and live performances. A sound library with over 1000 pre-packaged examples means you can start creating amazing sounds straight out of the box.

Rosegarden: music software for Linux

by 6 others
Rosegarden is a well-rounded audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor, and general-purpose music composition and editing environment. Rosegarden is an easy-to-learn, attractive application that runs on Linux, ideal for composers, musicians, music students, and small studio or home recording environments.

pure-lang - Google Code

Pure is a modern-style functional programming language based on term rewriting. It offers equational definitions with pattern matching, full symbolic rewriting capabilities, dynamic typing, eager and lazy evaluation, lexical closures, built-in list and matrix support and an easy-to-use C interface. The interpreter uses LLVM as a backend to JIT-compile Pure programs to fast native code. Pure is closely related to the author's Q language and is slated to eventually become its successor, since it offers many new and powerful features and programs run much faster than their Q equivalents.

Q - Equational Programming Language

Q is an interpreted, dynamically typed functional programming language based on term rewriting which allows you to define functions using symbolic equations. It works on Linux, OS X, Unix and Windows, and comes with a bunch of useful libraries which turn it into a practical programming tool. The Q programming system is free software distributed under the GPL

OICCM : Observatoire international de la création et des cultures musicales

Le LIAM est affilié à la fois au secteur composition électroacoustique et au secteur musicologie de la Faculté de musique de l'Université de Montréal et accueille des chercheurs et étudiants provenant des différents domaines de la recherche consacrée à la musique


Jean Piché (1951) is a composer who has develloped into a video artist over the past few years. His practice meshes moving images and music in a new hybrid form he calls videomusic. In his beginnings as an electroacoustic composer in the 1970s, he was one of the very first Canadians to employ the then emerging digital audio technologies. He has produced works in every genre of electroacoustics for mixed and acousmatic to live-electronics. His work aims for poetic expression beyond any sort of formalism. The work has been alternately described as confounding, colorful and virtuosistic. He has contributed to the presence and development of Canadian music here and abroad while working at the Canada Council where he defended the legitimacy of many alternative contemporary music practices. This inclusivist approach was highlighted when he directed the Montréal Musiques Actuelle – New Music America festival in 1990. As a teacher at the Université de Montréal since the late 1980s, he has nurtured a number of young into diverse careers in new media and music. He keeps a hand in software development and some of his programs, notably Cecilia, are used by composers the world over.

GUIDO Format - Specification (Draft)

The GUIDO Notation Format is a general purpose formal language for representing score level music in a platform independent, plain-text and human-readable way. It is based on a conceptually simple but powerful formalism; its design concentrates on general musical concepts (as opposed to notational, i.e, graphical features). A key feature of the GUIDO design is adequacy, which means that simple musical concepts should be represented in a simple way and only complex notions should require complex representations.

MIDI-Perl: Reading and Writing MIDI in Perl

MIDI-Perl is a suite of Perl modules which allows MIDI files to be read in and manipulated, or composed anew, and written out as MIDI files. Its simplest uses include listing text events from MIDI files for archival purposes, making dumps of MIDI files for debugging purposes, and extracting, saving, or dumping sysexes. More complex applications include aleatoric/algorithmic composition, and modifying existing MIDI files (e.g., changing their timing, transposing their key, or performing some yet more complex transform on them)

Welcome to U and I Software

The cutting-edge of music and graphics software is found here at U&I Software. With our software you can create music and graphics not possible with other tools.

HighC - dessiner sa musique

HighC est un outil graphique de création musicale. Il comprend synthétiseur, séquenceur et mélangeur. Son but est de rendre la composition aussi directe que le dessin

July 2008 :: Relations entre les technologies, les sciences et la création musicale contemporaine

Ce site concerne le domaine des relations entre les technologies, les sciences et la création musicale contemporaine. Il porte plus particulièrement sur les liens originaux apparus après 1945 entre ces trois secteurs d'activité et sur le cas de la France. (Anne Veitl)

Arturia - Software & Hardware

ARTURIA specializes in the development of music software and hardware for both the professional and amateur musician. Focusing on innovation, the company strives to integrate the latest advances in computer music research and technology into their products. This involves working closely with partner research institutions, such as IRCAM France, in the development of leading edge musical instruments and software, the results of which have gone on to been used in the making of numerous hit records and Hollywood sound tracks.

C I C M Centre de recherche Informatique et Création Musicale

Le CICM est une équipe bi-localisée entre l'Université Paris VIII et la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord. Le CICM est rattaché à l'équipe d'accueil n° 1572 "Esthétique, musicologie et créations musicales", Ecole Doctorale "Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts" de l'Université de Paris VIII. Le CICM constitue la structure fondamentale d'accueil et de support des travaux de troisième cycle (DEA et Doctorat) orientés vers les nouvelles technologies, dans la discipline Musique/Musicologie. Domaines de recherche : - Informatique musicale, - Composition musicale assistée par ordinateur, - Techniques numériques d'écriture et d'analyse musicale, - Analyse, synthèse et traitement numérique du son, - Production d'oeuvres, - Ecriture de logiciels spécialisés, - Questions d'épistémologie de la création musicale contemporaine, notamment liées à l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies, - Espaces sonores, spatialisation, visualisation, sonification, arts interactifs, environnements virtuels.

June 2008


The MIDI module provides MIDI input parsers for Python.

May 2008

Main Page - AlsaProject

by 2 others
The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system. ALSA has the following significant features: Efficient support for all types of audio interfaces, from consumer sound cards to professional multichannel audio interfaces. Fully modularized sound drivers. SMP and thread-safe design. User space library (alsa-lib) to simplify application programming and provide higher level functionality. Support for the older Open Sound System (OSS) API, providing binary compatibility for most OSS programs.

April 2008

Interface-Z : Capteurs, actionneurs, interfaces Midi pour interaction à distance, art contemporain et installation artistique.

by 3 others
Interface-Z a pour but d'aider les artistes à réaliser facilement leur installation interactive. Voir, percevoir, analyser une scène, comprendre le comportement d'un spectateur rend l'oeuvre vivante. -> Nouveautés sur le site Nos modules Midi sont dédiés à l'art contemporain (art interactif et sensitif) utilisant les nouvelles technologies. Vous trouverez sur ce site des capteurs pour le spectacle vivant, la danse, le théâtre, les performances, pour l'art plastique, la sculpture, les installations fixes ou mobiles, pour la musique, ainsi que des actionneurs pilotables en différents protocoles (Midi, DMX) pour animer des sculptures ou des marionnettes, des images 3D en temps réel ou faire des maquettes animées. Grâce à notre matériel, les musiciens, les DJ et les VJ aussi pourront exploiter les messages au protocole Midi pour créer des sons interactifs, de la musique expérimentale et electronique et de la video temps reel interactive

March 2008


Synful Orchestra is not a sampler or a sample library. Synful Orchestra is not a physical modeling synthesizer. It is an entirely new concept in music synthesis. At the heart of Synful Orchestra is Synful’s Reconstructive Phrase Modeling (RPM) technology. This is the result of many years of research, several patents, and a lifetime of experimentation, design, and frustration with older synthesis technologies. Eric Lindemann (Synful CEO)

home of eowave - USB MIDI Interfaces & synthesizers

Since 2002, Eowave (More Electronic Sounds for anterior developments) has developed innovative tools for musicians and artists, mixing analogue technology and sensor-based newest technology, software and hardware designs, to create new tools. In 2007, Eowave is extending the Eobody sensor system concept to a modular, flexible and plug&play system with different modules: a USB8 SensorBox, ethernet and wireless modules... to open even wider the field of new instruments for artistic expression.